Scientific Review Process

All vaccine effectiveness studies of DRIVE are carried out independently by the participating centres (which include European public health institutes, universities and research networks).

The scientific deliverables of DRIVE WP7, including the annual reports of brand-specific pooled influenza vaccine effectiveness results, undergo a thorough and transparent review led by the Independent Scientific Committee (ISC).

(1)  Public partners perform the studies and write the scientific deliverable. The deliverable is circulated to the ISC and the private partners (vaccine manufacturers).

(2) Private partners provide written comments to the ISC.

(3) The ISC reviews the deliverable, provides comments and marks for inclusion or exclusion private partners’ comments.

(4) Public partners implement the comments according to the ISC’s recommendation and shape the final version of the deliverable.

(5) The deliverable is published and submitted to IMI, EMA (in the case of the annual report) and other stakeholders.